One of the leading PCD PHARMA FRANCHISEE COMPANY in India, based in Bengaluru. Providing medicines with satisfactory results at affordable prices. Our company is certified by an ISO 9001:2015. Building entrepreneurship by supporting people to promote healthcare all over the world. We aim at serving every corner of the world with the best healthcare products at cost effective prices. The company has been consistent in its growth across India and look forward to establishing a global healthcare organisation and maintain high ethical work standards.

What we stand for


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Ethics & Values

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Client Assistance

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Reaching every corner of the world!!

Reaching every corner of the world!!

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

At our PCD Pharma franchise in Bangalore, we work hard to provide our franchise partners with the best goods and services available to support their business expansion. A LARGE CHOICE OF TABLETS, CAPSULES, SYRUPS,DROPS, INJECTIONS,RESPULES, AND OTHER ITEMS COVERING THERPEUTIC SEGMENTS ARE AVAILABLE FROM US.
Success requires strategy, foresight, and goal-setting in addition to hard work. Achievement of business expansion through superior performance. These lead to a pharmaceutical corporation where each drug functions as a pivot to tip the scales in favor of health and fitness.
Acknowledging the accountability borne by every employee at Rhinestone Pharma.Our focus on operational efficiency, exceptional product quality, customer reliability, and innovation has made us one of the most competitive organizations in the market.
As various illnesses and diseases threaten human survival, we work to reach the foundation of scientific methods in an effort to find a cure.


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Reach us at


No 4/b, Ground floor, Uttaradhimutt Road, Shankarapura, Bengaluru - 560004